• A row is inserted into a table by using INSERT command.
• Rows can insert into a
o Table
o Views Base Table.
o A partition of a Table.
o A Sub Partition of a Composite Partition Table.
o An Object Table.
o An Object Views Base Table.
Inserting of data into a table can be executed in two ways.
• Conventional INSERT.• Direct-Path INSERT.
In conventional Insert statement, Oracle reuses free space in the table into which the data in being Insert and Maintains Referential Integrity Constraints.
In Direct-Path Insert, Oracle append the insert data after existing data in the Table, the free space is not reused.
[list of columns] VALUES(list of values);
Sql>INSERT Into Student_Det Values ( 1001, ‘THOMAS’, ‘SIEBEL’, ’30-DEC-81’, ’02-JAN-91’, 30000, ‘M’ );
• In this case the values should be provided to all the columns that exists inside the table.
• The order of values declared in the Values clause should follow the original order of the columns in the table.
• The Character and Date type data should be declared in Single Quotes.
• Number information can be applied normally.
Inserting Data into Required Columns
Sql>Insert Into Student_Det ( StudNo, Fname, Lname, DOJ ) Values ( 1002, ‘JAN’, ‘SMITH’, 12- JAN-09’ );
• In this case the Order of columns declared in insert need not be the same as that of the original table order.
• The data values in the values clause should match with that of INSERT list.
• The columns not supplied with data are filled with NULL values, Until the NOT NULL constraint is declared.
Inserting NULL values into Table
• Null represent information that is not available.
• Null Value is
o Unknown value
o Undefined value
o Not equal to 0 or blank space represented with ‘NULL’ keyword.
o Not allowed arithmetic, relational operation on Null, If performed it returns Null only.
o RDBMS must support NULL Values.
• NULL values can be inserted in two ways.
o Implicit –> Omit the columns from list oracle supplies NULL values.
o Explicit –> Specify the NULL keyword.
Sql>Insert Into Student_Det (StudNo,Fname,Lname,DOB,DOJ,Fees,Gender) Values(1003,'RAMA’,NULL,’12-JAN-81’,NULL,30000,‘M’);
Inserting special Values into TableSYSDATE FUNCTION
• SYSDATE is Pseudo-column.
• This function return the current date & time.
This function returns the user name of the user who has logged in.
Sql>CREATE TABLE Student ( Stuid Number(4), Name Clob, DOB Date, DOJ Date, Fees Number(8,2), Gender char );
Sql>INSERT INTO student VALUES( 1001, user,’01-JAN-85’, sysdate, 2000, ‘M’);
Substitution Variables
• These variables are used to stored values temporarily
• The values can be stored temporarily through
o Single Ampersand(&)
o Double Ampersand(&&)
o Prompt and ACCEPT Commands
• The Single Ampersand substitution variable applies for each instance when the SQL statement is create or execute.
• The Double Ampersand substitution variable applies for all instances until that SQL statement is existing.
Sql> INSERT INTO dept VALUES(&Dno, ‘&Dname’, ‘&Loc’);
Sql> INSERT INTO emp(Empno, Ename, Hiredate, Deptno) VALUES(&Eno, ‘&Ename’, ‘&Hiredate’, &dno);
To run command is used for executing a previous command…..
>run or >/
Sql>INSERT INTO student VALUES(&Sid, ‘&Name’, ‘&Dob’, &Doj, &&fee, ‘&Gender’);
Sql>ACCEPT Deptno prompt ‘Please Enter the deptnumber:’
Sql>ACCEPT Dname prompt ‘Please Enter the Deptname:’
Sql>ACCEPT Location prompt ‘Please Enter the Location:’
Sql>INSERT INTO dept VALUES(&Deptno, &Dname, &Location);
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